CSS Workforce NY

Website Accessibility

We strive to ensure that this site is accessible to people with disabilities.


This website offers the UserWay Website Accessibility Widget, which is supported by a dedicated accessibility server. The widget enhances the site with additional accessibility features.

Enabling the Accessibility Menu

To enable the accessibility menu, click on the icon located at the corner of the page. Once activated, please allow a moment for the menu to fully load.

Other Considerations

Desktop and mobile operating systems, as well as internet browsers, frequently provide a variety of features to enhance accessibility, such as text-to-speech, voice commands, reading assistance, and contrast adjustments. Personalizing these settings can be immensely beneficial.

Feedback / Contact Us

We are committed to ensuring the best accessibility. Despite our efforts, there may be a need for improvements based on feedback. Should you encounter any difficulties with the content on this site, or require assistance with any aspect of our site, please reach out to us. We greatly value your feedback.

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